Friday, August 30, 2013

Why Traffic Happens and How To Fix It!

Driving in Los Angeles traffic from 6am-8am Monday-Friday made me realize something. Traffic happens because of the big four. The big four consist of these four categories: Speed limit increase, freeway payments, car maintenance, and driving habits and all four can be resolved.

Speed Limit Increase
People drive slow because the SPEED LIMIT is too slow! 65 mph is not fast enough to move these people from point A to point B. Think about it this way, you have a 65 mile stretch, and if you go 65 miles per hour, it takes one hour to get from point A to point B. Traffic happens when an increase in people enter the freeway and people think that meters help by limiting the amount of people entering the freeway. But, if you could get people from point A to point B quicker, there would be less people on the freeway, meaning traffic will start later. If the speed limit was increased to 75 miles per hour, people can get homes quicker and less accidents will happen, why? People who are not paying attention tend to slow down, but people who drive quicker are more alert.

Freeways should not be free
The whole purpose of having a freeway is so that people can drive faster for free, but is it really free? The amount of time for maintenance and tax paying money can be used for something better and by having every freeway become a toll traffic flow will be much more efficient. A fee of a dollar to enter would be sufficient and this will help avoid paying high taxes to repair freeways.

Car maintenance
If everyone had proper car maintenance, the freeways won't look so bad. The reason why freeways have constant construction is because cars damage these roads with improper maintenance. It really does benefits the driver and the traffic flow if maintenance is in check.

Driving Habits
The DMV should have a driving test to weed out the bad drivers, and this test should be taken every 5-10 years. This way, less bad drivers will be on the road and more people will carpool thus helping the environment. If you see how many bad drivers are out there and how many deaths are caused by idiots, you would understand how important weeding out the bad drivers are. Yes, people need to get from point A to point B, but if you are endangering people because you do not know how to drive, or would rather send a text and kill someone, you best stay off the road.
I do not own the rights to any of these images, just for the blog, Thank for your time.

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